Off-The-Grid Missions
Over 1.5 Billion people worldwide have a hearing loss, and we are the NGO operating for them during a crisis.
Off-The-Grid Missions (OTG) is a global humanitarian aid organization filling the gap in disaster-response by providing Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people with critical life-saving resources in high-risk and disaster-stricken regions around the world.
Among the global landscape of Disaster-Response NGOs in place, OTG is the only organization dedicated to providing humanitarian aid for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, DeafBlind, and DeafDisabled (DHHDBDD) individuals worldwide. OTG empowers DHHDBDD Communities around the world by deploying Deaf-led initiatives to deliver humanitarian aid amidst disasters and war.
Inside 2024
Alarming humanitarian needs are rapidly escalating in scale and severity for people with disabilities caught in the crossfire. Furthermore, in the many corners of the world we serve, many Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people have absolutely zero legal protections as they are considered sub-humans due to their disabilities, which greatly increase the chances of this population being subjected to incomprehensible violence.
More than 1.5 Billion people are affected by hearing loss.
During a Crisis
Sign Language Is Not Universal
Deafness is a spectrum, and there are over 300 Sign Languages worldwide! OTG’s Deaf-led team quickly adapts to meet the needs of Deaf families amidst crisis.
OTG is a non-profit 501(C)3 non-governmental organization. 100% of the humanitarian aid provided to DHHDBDD families is donated directly by OTG’s Deaf-led team and relieves the families of any burden associated to costs and access to life-saving resources. OTG’s programs advocates for human rights for deaf people while saving lives, relying on the generosity of individuals, organizations, and corporations to fuel their operations.
As Featured In
Join the Cause
We work to bring light to the source of the problem and disarm it with sustainable and tangible solutions.
Start a Fundraiser
Join our new online fundraising platform to start a fundraiser and combine it with a challenge or activity! It is transparent for donors, donations instantly transfer to our cause and the setup process takes minutes!
2025 Partners & Sponsors
Looking to make a difference in disaster-affected marginalized communities? Join OTG as a partner to support accessible disaster response, annual operations, and long-term programs for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing individuals around the world.
Thank you to our partners who make this work possible!
2023 Year in Review
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